Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why I Teach

For those of you who know I wrote a poem called Why I Teach. But today those words were outdone by a true story. My first year in Woodbridge I had the pleasure of meeting Jonathan. Ooh he was unique in every way! We battled. He cursed me out. There was even one time I took off my earrings, my heels, and chased him down the hall. Why? I simply asked him to sit down and was told in very colorful language what he wasn't going to do. Well, humph, I knew he bumped his head and I showed him what crazy looked like. Laughing, huh. Well, I tell you, having him not one but two years was INTERESTING. He eventually became my project child and then my adopted son. I did everything in my power to keep him together: i tutored him, made sure he showed at work, yes I took it beyond the classroom, beyond the teaching hours and made it personal. Well, you can't watch everyone all the time and that one time I didn't, he got into a fight and was expelled. I spent all this time thinking what in the world did I do wrong!? I lead him like I'd do NaShawn, but you know what they say. You can lead a horse to water...
Today Jonathan showed up. Came into my room, looked me in my eyes and told me I was his favorite teacher. Thanked me for everything I did for him and gave me a hug. He told me that he's working on his GED and thinking about enlisting in the service. I was shocked. I was almost moved to tears. This student, made it his mission to find me and tell this after TWO years. This child had it together. The eye contact alone, was amazing. (For those of you with military background or who know of those in service) Yes, he stood at attention and even said "Thank you for not giving up on me". I was humbled.
In that moment it was confirmed that I was going to continue to lead them there. Take them by the hand and let them know they are bigger, better, and smarter than what is before them. They may not drink when its time, but when they do its that much better because they are doing it out of intrinsic motivation and not for anyone else.

It's hard work to teach heart, but it can be taught.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always, I am in awe of you... this one particularly moved me and touched me in a way that makes me proud to also be a teacher, recruiter, nurturer, role model, and leader.

Keep inspire me; keep loving...I can feel it; keep brightens any room; keep living...cause I don't know what life would be like without you...Thanks for being friend.